Saturday, 21 June 2014

Special Instruments are Required to Record Acoustic Noise Measurements

In order to take accurate readings of various things it is essential to have the correct equipment and tools at your disposal. When it comes to acoustic measurement you need to ensure that you have the best possible instruments in order to both take and record acoustic noise measurements properly. 

Whether you wish to know about the acoustic pressure level or the acoustic noise measurement, you will find that having reliable acoustic products will be of immeasurable assistance. Acoustic measurements and instrumentation range from a handheld sound level meter to a 1000-microphone phased array. Most of the acoustical measurement and instrumentation systems can be broken down into three components:

1) Sensors
2) Data Acquisition
3) Analysis


The most common sensor used for acoustic measurement is the microphone. Measurement-grade microphones are different from typical recording-studio microphones because they can provide a detailed calibration for their response and sensitivity. Other sensors include hydrophones for measuring sound in water or accelerometers for measuring vibrations causing sound. The three main groups of microphones are pressure, free-field, and random-incidence, each with their own correction factors for different applications.

Data acquisition

Data acquisition hardware for acoustic measurements typically utilizes 24-bit analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs), anti-aliasing filters, and other signal conditioning. This signal conditioning may include amplification, filtering, sensor excitation, and input configuration. Another consideration is the frequency range of the instrumentation. It should be large enough to cover the frequency range of signal interest, taking into account the range of the sensor.


Audio and acoustic analysis includes: fractional-octave analysis, sound-level measurements, power spectra, frequency response measurements, and transient analysis. Results are viewed on waterfall displays, colormap displays, and octave graphs.

Why measure noise in the workplace?

Measuring noise levels and workers' noise exposures is the most important part of a workplace hearing conservation and noise control program. It helps identify work locations where there are noise problems, employees who may be affected, and where additional noise measurements need to be made.

In normal life you will also find that acoustic noise measurements have various applications, for example, in the work place and in certain areas such as recording studios; where a room with good acoustics is essential for recording and mixing your music. If you make music in a room with great acoustics, it has the best chance of sounding good in other rooms too. in the workplace you will find that acoustic measurements will ensure that the firm is complying with legal guidelines regarding acceptable noise levels and can hence ensure that they do everything necessary to protect their employees.

How is workplace noise measured?

For occupational hygiene purposes, the acoustic pressure level is measured to determine noise exposures. Various instruments and techniques may be used. The choice depends on the workplace noise and the information needed. However, the first step is to determine if there is a noise problem in the workplace. The acoustic noise measurement in a workplace needs to be checked at regular intervals and all necessary steps need to be taken to limit noise pollution.

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