Saturday, 23 July 2016

Why noise meters are essential devices for measuring occupational noise

Occupational hearing loss occurs when damage to the inner ear is created by noise or vibrations at work or through means of entertainment. We hear sound when the vibration created by sound waves are converted by the ear into impulses in the ear’s nerves.

It is generally regarded that sound levels of 90 decibels or more, may create a vibration that is adequately intense to cause damage to the inner part of the ear. The longer an individual is exposed to this high volume of sound, the more chance they have of damage occurring to the ear.

It is therefore vitally important that we measure occupational noise in order to ensure employees and others are not regularly exposed to dangerous noise levels. Noise meters are used to effectively measure occupational noise.

Principles of a noise meter

A noise meter is a hand-held device that comprises of a microphone. This microphone responds to alterations in the pressure of the air that are created by sound waves.

The key principle of a noise meter is to accurately measure occupational noise in a specific area. Ideally the noise meter should be integrated into the area for long periods, in order to give an accurate assessment over a period of time.

In its guidance on the Noise at Work Regulations, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) notes:
“The sound level meter should be an integrating sound level meter.”

Health and safety professionals tend to recommend that when measuring occupational noise, an integrating sound level meter is used, as it eliminates any uncertainties and monitors any unusual noise fluctuations that may arise over a long period of time.

SPL measurement device

An SPL measurement device typically refers to a sound pressure level meter, or an SPL meter. Like a conventional noise level meter, an SPL meter is a hand-held device which enables health and safety executives, companies and those operating in the entertainment industry to accurately assess occupational noise.

An SPL measurement device is a logarithmic measurement of the pressure of sound, which is assessed in relation to a reference value. The sound pressure level is measure in decibels.

Like the key principle of a noise meter, an SPL measurement device provides an accurate and efficient way to determine whether the sound pressure in a working environment is reaching or exceeding dangerous levels. If a reading shows that the sound pressure has reached what is regarded as having the potential to damage the hearing or workers and others in close proximity to the noise, the appropriate actions must be taken in order to help reduce the intensity of the noise and help protect the hearing of those being exposed to the noise.

Such actions can include providing employees with hearing protection, ensuring they are not exposed to the noise for long durations, replacing noisy equipment with quieter versions and generally informing and training employees about the issues concerning noise exposure and noise induced hearing loss.